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Freelance Contemporary dance artist based in Tokyo.

Misato started her classical ballet and contemporary dance training from a young age.

She graduated from Ochanomizu University. (BA and MA in Dance Studies)

Then she has gotten a scholarship from the Japanese government to study at Northern School of Contemporary Dance in the UK.

She finished MA Dance and Creative Enterprise with Distinction.

She has worked as a dancer with choreographers such as Ryohei Kondo, Motoko Hirayama, and Fernanda Prata. 

As a choreographer, she keeps presenting her pieces at home and abroad.

Her recent interest is in modern people's relationships.

She is a representative of a non-profit organisation called "Irotapir" and doing projects for regional revitalization and education.




2023   "Everything Tangled in Blue" (70min) Session House (Japan)

2023   "HASHTAG 3.0" (60min) Space EDGE (Japan), Funded by Arts Council Tokyo

2023   "Double Knots"(40min) Craft Village NISHIKOYAMA (Japan)

Funded by Agency of Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

2022   Piano & Dance Film "YELLOW" with Sayoko Kawano, Funded by Arts Council Tokyo (Online)

2021  "It Was All Yellow." (70 min) with composer Sayoko Kawano, Saitama Arts Theatre (Tokyo, Japan)

2021   "Life in a BUBBLE" (50 min)  - as a Session House residence artist, Session House (Tokyo, Japan)

2020   Solo "MADE IN JAPAN"(25min) d-Soko / Session House (Tokyo, Japan)

2020   Multi-Media Performance Project "HASHTAG 2.0"(30min) Gallery2, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Japan)

Funded by Agency of Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

2019   Solo"The Fly"(20min) Dance festival "Let’s Dance International Frontiers19",

CURVE Theatre (Leicester, UK)

2018   Multi-media piece "HASHTAG"(15min), Riley Theatre (Leeds, UK)

2018   Solo "The Fly" (12min), CURVE Theatre (Leicester, UK) As a part of "Let’s Dance International Frontiers18"

2016  "5 Preludes for Sneakers" (1 hour)sponsored by a sneaker brand RFW, Session House (Tokyo)


2022   "Saitama Kaiyuu", Directed by Ryohei Kondo, Saitama Arts Theatre (Japan)

2022   "La la la Theater Trip 2100", Directed by Ryohei Kondo, Saitama Arts Theatre (Japan)

2022 / 2024   "AIR SPLASH TOKYO" (Improvisational performance with musicians), Meguro Persimmon Hall (Tokyo)

2021   "La la la Theater Trip", Directed by Ryohei Kondo, Saitama Arts Theatre (Japan)

2020~   "Miitusketa!"(TV show for kids) NHK (Japan)

2019   "Sarcophagus" Choreographed by Motoko Hirayama, Mielparque Hall,(Tokyo)

2019   "Random Boundaries” <Co-producer / Dancer> of cocozine Site-specific production (Tokyo, Japan)

2018   "hoME" Research & Development with Fernanda Prata (Leeds, UK)

2018 / 2017   "OTSEFINAM" (Site-specific work) Directed by Susanne Thomas, Temple Newsam House (Leeds)

2017   "Chilly Gonzales" Choreographed by Ryohei Kondo, Session House (Tokyo)

2015   "Modern Times" Choreographed by Ryohei Kondo, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo)

2015   "Three Penny Opera" Directed by Takuro Suzuki, Mitaka City Hall (Tokyo)

Other Experience

2023   Dance film "Omodaka no Kioku"  <Director / Dancer>

2020   Dance and the reading film "The Hedgehog’s Wish"  <Director / Dancer>

Funded by Agency of Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

2020   "STAY AT HOME PROJECT" 13 short videos for social media. (as a part of Cheer for Art Tokyo Project)

2017    Danced for promotion video and events of the apparel company Fukusuke (Japan)

2015- Present   Teacher for Junior Contemporary Dance Class. Private ballet school, Ballet du Ciel (Tokyo)

​©2024 Misato Shimizu
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