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The Hedgehog's Wish

Dance and Reading Film Project

Adaptation of the novel "The Hedgehog's Wish" written by a Dutch author, Toon Tellegen.

Streamed online from 23rd OCT to 6th DEC 2020.


Dance: Misato Shimizu

Reading (Japanese): Chihiro Takamiya


Producer/Director: Misato Shimizu

Film: Natsuki Sugawara

Music: Jean Sibelius

Piano: Sayoko Kawano

Original Book: The Hedgehog's Wish

Written by Toon Tellegen

Transrated by Saki Nagayama

Published by Shinchosya

Funded by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

Digest of the Film

About the Work

A short film work of dance and reading collaboration based on a story for adults, "The Hedgehog's Wish" written by Dutch author Toon Tellegen. I extracted the scenes from the story and focused on the theme of "solitude". This was an experiment of reconstructing the story with dance and reading. From location to costumes, props, music, camera work, and physical movement, I described the world which is warm but full of pathos.

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