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Double Knots

-The World of Social Media- 

"Double Knots" is a contemporary dance performance that portrays the social media world.

We meet people on social media without seeing each other's faces.

Sometimes the connection gets more profound than the real friends.

Sometimes we hurt others' feelings unintentionally. 

This time, four contemporary dancers perform the tangled peoples' connection on social media in a glass-in space. 

How it looks if we can actually see the world of social media?

​©Masabumi Kimura

Date:11th-12th February , 2023

Space:Craft Village NISHIKOYAMA

1-7-8 Haramachi Meguro-ku Tokyo 152-0011 Japan (2min walk from Nishikoyama Station, Tokyu Meguro Line)

Google Map

Admission: Free


Peformance Time (Duration: About 1h)

2/11 ①16:00- / ②17:30- / ③19:00-

2/12 ①11:00- / ②12:30- / ③14:30- / ④16:00-


Misato Shimizu -Producer / Director / Performer

Born and raised in Nishikoyama.

She started classical ballet training at the age of 3, and contemporary dance training/choreography at the age of 15.

Graduated from Ochanomizu University in Japan with BA and MA in Dance Studies, Northern School of Contemporary Dance in the UK with MA in Dance and Creative Enterprise.

She also works as a dancer under choreographers such as  Ryouhei Kondo and Motoko Hirayama. 

She is presenting her choreography works at home and abroad.

Performance Photos

​©Masabumi Kimira


Tomohiro Iizuka -Performance

He started modern dance training under Kumi Kawai. He also works as a Country Line Dance choreographer/teacher under his mother LilyIguch.

Recently he is developing a tambourine performance.

He also performs as a dancer in various modern dance performances, With Harajuku Contemporary Dance Festival, Dancénsemble, and so on.

Eri Ikeda -Performer

She was born in Shizuoka.

She is a member of C.I.N.N.(CONTACT IMPROVISATION NIPPON NETWORK) since 2010. In 2012, she won a prize at Dance Summit in Japan, the Japanese folk song category.  

She loves Japanese traditional performing arts, nature and Sushi.

She formed a dance unit called "Ikeda-ke" in 2013 and keeps presenting contemporary dance works.

 Yukari Inaba - Performer

She started her classical ballet training at Sasaki Mika Ballet Academy at the age of 4. She studied ballet under Mika Sasaki, Mikio Ikehata, and Asuka Kamata, Contemporary dance under Keiko Hirata and Hiroaki Kumagai.

She recently performed in "咲く、白" by Odoru Kumagai Hiroaki Company and "ふじたよしひろのオノマトペの国" by CAT-A-TAC.

​©Masabumi Kimura

Project Management: Takaki Masuzawa

Photography / Project Support: Masabumi Kimura

Flyer Design: Takeshi Sonoda

Funded by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, Contemporary Dance Association in Japan.

Cooperation: Free Paper 24580,  PA Co., Ltd., Urban Renaissance Agency


Organized by:&dot. (andot.)


Flyer PDF (Japanese)

​©2024 Misato Shimizu
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